Friday 2 March 2012

January & Suck-uary 2012.. Thank god that's done with!

I'm pleased with myself that I pretty much listed what's happened since I moved here, nearly a year ago. A lot has happened that sometimes I can't get my brain around it. I can't believe come the 15th of March it'll be a year. Wow!

Anyways I guess really quick I'll update what the past 2 months have been like for me...Not that many people care but my friends and family might.

January started off great and it was great. I thought, ''Wow things are looking up." Again, no job, but I started taking driving lessons so that I can take my practical road test soon. That pretty much took up my life in January and February, and now still. We're getting there. Driving around here isn't much difference from driving in America. So I am on the other side of the car, it still doesn't feel that different. So I am on the other side of the road..scary at first but I quickly got used to it and now a days I don't even have to tell remind myself to stay to the left it just comes naturally, so go me :) I hope to pass my test soon or else I will go insane. I need my driving privileges back again..I never really drove loads in America but I had my own car and I drove myself to work, to school, to places. I just had a car that I could use and go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted, if I pleased. Since moving here I've had to rely on Sam mainly, and sometimes other friends to take me places. And if it's one thing I hate it's relying on other people! I appreciate it, don't get me wrong but it sucks when I can drive myself but just can't at the moment. It's brought me down many days but I'm dealing with it. I'm sure I'll be out on the road in no time. I just hope things will get better because Suckuary sucked!!

I'm not even going to get into too much details of February but believe me it wasn't pleasant. I couldn't even enjoy Valentine's day because somewhere at the end of January, beginning of February I got an ear infection (which has only gone away last week or so). Valentine's day was nice to be with Sam (he didn't work), but horrible because I woke up with a stiff neck due to the infection. My neck wasn't better until days later. I felt so ill. Since I've moved here I have had so many weird illnesses..Mainly allergies playing up, and the common cold (the common cold that stays for months though mainly a horrible chesty cough). Then back in September my eye was swollen for a few days..I just feel like this rain cloud of doom has been following me since September, I really do. What person applies for up to 20 jobs and doesn't get 1? I don't know, yeah the economy sucks around here, everywhere, but I am a good worker, I just suck at interviews perhaps (but that never bothered me back home). I just miss my old job a lot sometimes but I know in my heart I wasn't going to stay there forever. Living here I want to be a teacher's assistant like I was a few years ago but over here I'm going to need to get some qualifications for it and I would start it right now but I can't even afford to until I have a job. So to anyone who is reading just have your fingers crossed for me please. I know I don't have it bad, there are millions of people out there who have it worse than me and I am so thankful for everything & everyone in my life but being unemployed sucks so much. I think the only good that's come out of it is I get to spend a lot of time with my nephews and niece, read on my Kindle, enjoy the weekend when Sam is off (which if I had a job that entitled me to work weekends I wouldn't be able to). So yeah, I guess not working has some perks but like I said, I would LOVE to work right now. I know I used to complain sometimes at my old jobs but I do like to work it's a nice accomplishment to do something and get paid for doing it. 

Lol gotta laugh at something right?

 Enjoy your weekend :-D


  1. i'm so sorry to hear that february wasn't so fantastic. :/ i do hope that march brings you better things, though! and i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you as you look for a job! :)

    <3, Mimi

  2. Thank you! I hope so too. So far this month has been better so I am hopeful
